Call to Worship

Give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the nations. 1 Chronicles 16:8

The Call to Worship is taking inspiration from how the diversity of the faith expressed through song has spurred the missions’ movements, charity, and gospel proclamation of history. The Call to Worship will reignite our passion for the unfinished task: making disciples and calling all peoples to become wholly devoted worshipers of Jesus Christ.

About Us

The Call to Worship is a ministry outreach program of FACE HARVEST (FoH). FoH is an international faith-based international emergency relief and gospel proclamation charity. FoH is committed to alleviating physical and spiritual distress throughout the Middle East and Africa. FoH is committed to alleviating physical and spiritual distress throughout the Middle East and Africa. We affirm the notion that “Without care about eternal suffering, care about temporal suffering is a mirage. It looks like love, but the greatest gift is being withheld.” 

 Making disciples and calling all peoples to become wholly devoted worshipers of Jesus Christ.

Call to Worship Director

Director ~ Ntambo is an international gospel based in the United States. Ntambo has served as a worship leader in several U.S based churches over the decades. She has received multiple gospel artist awards and nominations as a solo recording artist. Ntambo has hosted numerous concerts and worship events throughout the United States. Ntambo is passionate about meeting the spiritual and physical needs of impoverished communities in Africa and the Middle East.

Eye See Project  ~ Ntambo is passionate about reaching the lost and attending to their physical needs. The mission of the Eye See Project is to raise awareness and treat eye disease. The project has provided free eye screening, treatment, and prescription glasses to thousands of African people. 

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Give Thanks To The LORD, Call Upon His Name; Make Known His Deeds Among The Nations. 1 Chronicles 16:8
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